Looks like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.
So I hurt my knee jogging last week. Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture of the wound this time. Just imagine the ant bite swelling on a larger scale. It swelled up so big I could hardly see my knee cap. The funny thing is that it happened while taking a leisurely jog last Thursday. It is funny because I play basketball every Sunday and I haven’t had a problem. In fact, the swelling was mostly gone by Sunday so I decided I would test it at the game even though it was still a little sore. I’ll be damned if it didn't feel 100% during and after the game. I iced it anyway when I got home and this morning it is a little sore but not bad. I used to have problems with the knees back in high school but not much since.
I have a new test website up and running that I practice with during my website design class. I put up several potential Waterford logos that Jeff created for me. The two basic ideas were mine, skyline and schooner, but the artwork is all his. I encourage you to check out the logos, give me some feedback on your favorite if you haven’t already, and check out the links to Jeff’s site and to the SNL clip. Here is the site: jj405.tripod.com This won’t evolve into the Waterford site but it is a good test area. Jeff’s dad is actually going to host my real site on his server and is in the process of reserving a domain name for me. The logo is kind of exciting because it puts a “face” on the company and makes another step toward becoming real. Oh yeah, the link to my site can also be found on this page if you click on my full profile and click “my webpage.”
My recommendation for this week is an oldie but goodie. It is the movie Gung Ho. It has some sentimental value because it is the first movie my parents brought home with our first VCR. I believe the VCR cost something like $600. It did last over 10 years though. Anyway, my brother and I grew up on this movie and watched it again last weekend (first time on DVD). Maybe I find it so funny because of the sentimental value but we still thought it was hilarious. If you haven’t seen it, it is about a Japanese car company opening a plant in a small town in PA (Hadleyville). Michael Keaton is great. If you have Netflix, you should check it out.
Speaking of sentimental, I'm listening to Sirius Alternative 90's for the first time this morning and all my high school and college days were in the 90s so each song seems to bring back a different memory.
Have good week.