Jonathan's blog

Monday, May 22, 2006

Back from the Big D.

I’m back from the Dallas trip. It was a long week but we got a house built. We stayed at a camp where the sign on the way in says “Where people go to meet Jesus.” Well, I didn’t meet him but I did meet a bunch of other interesting people. I stayed in a bunkroom with 22 other dudes. I didn’t sleep worth a shit the first night but I discovered earplugs the next night (and worked my ass off during the day) and slept great the rest of the week. The bunkhouse smelled pretty foul by weeks end. Our days started with a 6:15 bus departure to the build site where we would have breakfast. Building would start at 8, lunch at noon, and dinner at 5:30 and buses departed for camp at 6. There was nothing but a slab on our site on Monday morning and by the end of the day Saturday the exterior (including landscaping) was complete and half the inside was done. We had a group of about 20 working on the house with 2 site leaders. We worked with Americorps groups from Austin, TX and Tuscaloosa, AL. We fell behind the first day but kept up with the other houses the rest of the week. Of the 20 people only about 12 worked construction regularly and 8 were full time office staff. Everyone got along fine for the most part. There were 20 houses built in total for the “Buildathon.” Ten houses were built exclusively by Americorps and ten houses were built by local volunteers. There were 300 or 400 people there everyday. Everyone got free food and amazingly it wasn’t that bad. The homeowner of our house (Shaquita) worked with us a little during the week and seemed very grateful to be getting the house. She gave everyone a hug at the end and collected our contact info. It’s nice to work with homeowners that appreciate the opportunity they are getting. It was a rough week physically with several ant bites, a blood blister on my foot, and whacking my fingers several times with the hammer. But it was worth it. On the final night they took us to the clubby part of downtown Dallas where we had dinner and got free admission into a bar where a bunch of local bands were playing (and they were actually good). Overall it was a good trip. The other Americorps just complained most of the time about everything but that’s not unusual. You would have thought they grew up at a country club to listen to the complaints. Oh well, I guess I’ll chalk it up to youth.

In other news, I would like to point out the Sox winning the series over the Cubs last weekend as usual. At least one Cub had some fight left in him. It would have been a sweep had Cotts not thrown the last game Black Sox style. It is also worth note that the Detroit Tigers currently own the best record in the majors, not too shabby. Let’s hope it holds up. I plan to attend the ACC baseball tourney here in Jacksonville this week. I can’t wait to hear the ping of the bat. I hope to write about the Boys & Girls Club mini-golf course progress in the next post.


Blogger Jonathan said...

I don't know, it's not the nicest part of town. But there will probably be people working there. I believe it is 7939 Kiska St.

24/5/06 3:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jon,

I didn't know you had a blog until this week (thanks to Kartholl). Not that I enjoy your misery, but at least there's one more person that knows the sheer terror and childhood scourge of fire ants. Take care, and talk to you down the line.


24/5/06 2:46 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

Well Chris, I don't know if you ever heard me tell me story about my run in with fire ants as a child in Texas but it ended with me in the front yard with no pants on. I just came back from watching some ACC baseball tourney action and your Longhorns better look out for Clemson. They're pretty good.

24/5/06 8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I've reiterated many times: they are NOT my Longhorns. I have a sister who's a Texas Tech grad and a brother at Texas A&M, and I have never been on the Longhorns bandwagon (apparently, though, their fan base in San Antonio swelled considerably after the first week of January...go figure).

26/5/06 8:50 AM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

I apologize Ski. But I don't know how someone could turn their back on the home team like that.

Listen dude (Kim), I didn't get my pants pulled down in Dallas last week. Although I wouldn't have complained if I had. ;o)

27/5/06 10:40 PM  

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