Jonathan's blog

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Some Pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Sorry there isn't any adult content above but it didn't seem appropriate. I just got back from another weekend trip. This time was Atlanta. I had a good time hanging with Niez. We played golf on Sunday. It was damn hot but I managed a solid 84. On Monday we toured the city a little. He showed me the zone that he used to work nights in. It was rough but it didn't look quite as bad as the neighborhoods where we build houses but, of course, we aren't out there at 3 a.m. We checked out the "Underground" area which is basically Navy Pier without the water. I checked out CNN HQ and saw the Coke museum. The last picture above is the fountain area of Olympic park. That night we took in a Braves game where I got to see Pujols hit one out and the Braves win so everyone was happy. Yesterday I dropped Niez off at the airport for his flight back to MI and then I headed to Savannah, GA. I spent about 3 hours walking through Savannah. It is a beautiful old city. Very similar to Charleston but larger with more parks (they call them "squares"). The city was getting all ready for the fireworks. It was a great place to be on the 4th. The picture second from bottom above is the city hall. It was just one of many old buildings and it was nearly as old as most. I also included a Father's Day picture of the old man and brothers at the course. We had a good time. And the top picture is just a view from the plane that I enjoyed. I really liked the defined cloud line and the dark blue sky that you only see from 30,000 feet or more.

Thanks for the excursion recommendations. If you think of anymore, particularly San Diego because I'll be there for a week surfing, please feel free to post them. I'm going to pick up a AAA tour book today which should offer some good suggestions. I'm off to play some golf.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you intend to visit San Antonio, be sure to get in touch with me. As a resident of the city for 18 years, I like to think I've picked up a few things.

For a short visit, I'd recommend a small historic town called Gruene, TX, (aka my old stomping grounds) about 20 mi north of San Antonio on I-35, close to New Braunfels. It's home to the oldest dance hall in Texas (Gruene Hall) and a restaurant with some damn good burgers and fries, the Grist Mill (show up hungry).

5/7/06 4:47 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

Ski, it looks like your little hick town is right on my way from SA to Austin. I'll be sure to swing through town. I'm trying to eliminate red meat from my diet so I'm going to pass on the burger but I'll try their chicken sandwich. I'll call you before I get to SA for some other points of interest. Thanks.

5/7/06 10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

see you after our vacation .

6/7/06 6:59 PM  

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