Jonathan's blog

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I Made It Out of Austin, YAY!!!!!

That’s right, after 10 nights in Austin my car is fixed and I’m back on the road. The stay in Austin wasn’t terrible as I got to spend time in Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston. I went to Houston last weekend primarily to watch an Astros game. I got a tour of the stadium before the game and watched the ‘Stros win 3-1. Great performance by Oswalt. I also took a couple pics of the former Enron HQ. The buildings are awesome. The next morning I went to the Houston zoo to see if they have anything the other zoos are missing. I don’t think they do. But I can’t really remember. It was too hot, I think my brain melted. On Monday I went swimming at Barton Spring, the natural spring in Austin. It was very cool, literally and figuratively. They have it set up like a huge community pool. It was a good 100 feet across by about 1000 feet long and the water is always 70 degrees. For someone coming from the Atlantic Ocean, that’s damn cold. I spent Tuesday hanging around Bastrop waiting for my car to get finished, which it did at 6:00 pm.

I decided it was too late to head out of town on Tuesday night and gave up all together on my hotel reservation in Oceanside and the surfing camp. My new plan took me to El Paso yesterday. I stopped by LBJ’s ranch and state park on the way over. I stayed in a crappy HoJo last night but had the best night of sleep so far. I had my first Little Ceasar’s pizza in years for dinner last night. It was okay but I’m looking forward to some Chicago style when I get home. I drove up to Albuquerque today. They have a nice little downtown here. I went to the National Atomic Museum this afternoon. That nuclear shit is really interesting. After that I took a dip in the pool. I splurged and decided to stay at the Hyatt downtown here since I’ll be camping the next two nights at the Grand Canyon. Now I’m at a little café eating pork chops and using free wireless. This is a good place to visit if you are ever driving through this way. Lots of freaky punks walking around this area. Almost like what I see in Canada all the time with the mohawks and piercings.

Although the trip hasn’t gone as planned so far it is still enjoyable. And my car has held up to the 80 MPH Texas speed limits like a champ. I think I might be a quarter of the way through with the trip in terms of miles. They are replaying the Cubs game right now.

Sorry there aren't any pics but I'm having problems with the website tonight. I'll try at the next stop.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I'll be in Scottsdale Monday night for a few days...will you be in the area? - Your favorite ACA Consultant

3/8/06 9:40 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

Listen Steve-o or Dutch Mafioso or whatever you're going by nowadays. The jerkoff at the shop in Jax over-tightened the lugs which caused a cracked which caused my wheel to fly which caused me to stay in Austin for a week. You think I would ever get my hands dirty touching a lugnut?

6/8/06 10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you were able to make the most of the situation, and nice job getting to Barton Springs. I hear the Mexican food in Alberquerque is supposed to be really good. Care to comment?

You gonna be anywhere near large Nevada cities this weekend?

6/8/06 11:20 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

I'll be there. I'm either crashing T-Bag's place or with anyone else who wouldn't mind a guest on the floor for 2 nights (Thurs & Fri). I'll pay my third. Pass the word.

7/8/06 4:48 PM  

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