Jonathan's blog

Monday, November 20, 2006


It's a little blurry but the picture immediately above shows the wound I received yesterday to my left index finger. It was the first trip down the court and I was playing up top in the 2-3 zone defense. Their point guard tries to whip a pass down the middle of the lane between Will and I. I stick out my hand and this is what I get. The underside of my finger is purple from the middle knuckle to the tip and it is swollen to the point that I can't really bend it. There may be a little hairline fracture in there somewhere. But what is important is that we won the game.

The other picture is a particularly smoggy morning in Chicago a couple weeks ago.

Not much happening here on the job front. But I did have a good cultural week last week. On Thursday night I went to the Art Institute to see a special photography exhibit by some dude named Shulman. He takes black and white architecture photos. It was very cool. Lots of radical houses from 50's and 60's LA. Then on Friday I went to a architecture competition at the Chicago Architecture Foundation. It was sponsored by the History channel as part of their Monday series called Engineering an Empire. The filming is supposed to air on Jan 2nd at 9 PM. The name of the competition was called "The City of the Future: A Design and Engineering Challenge." They invited 8 local firms to design their idea of Chicago in 2106. I got there just in time for the start of the presentations. Each firm had 15 minutes to present their idea and models to the judges and public. There were some pretty crazy ideas. The one I liked best which had a space elevator and a 64 lane highway didn't finish in the top three. The same competition was held in NY and LA with the winner of each going on to a national competition. I was wearing a red sweater so look for me walking around in the background.

Heading home for Thanksgiving tomorrow. Nothing like a Lions loss followed by some binge eating of turkey and stuffing. Make sure you travel safe this week and give thanks for how good we all have it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice job on your finger. iron

20/11/06 10:38 AM  
Blogger Jonathan said...


20/11/06 11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's gross. Why would you post that? Boys are weird.


20/11/06 12:07 PM  
Blogger Brian Dunbar said...

Each firm had 15 minutes to present their idea and models to the judges and public. There were some pretty crazy ideas. The one I liked best which had a space elevator and a 64 lane highway didn't finish in the top three.

Is that online somewhere? I'm sure the visual was striking, even if a space elevator at Chicago's latitude is unworkable.

20/11/06 12:44 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

Why would I post it? Because I almost died and I thought I should show the proof.

As for where to find pictures of the models, I'm not sure. The best options are the Chicago Architecture Foundation and the History channel websites. But it may take some time to get posted to their sites. They probably still have the models on display in the Archicenter on Michigan Ave.

20/11/06 4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's hot.

21/11/06 2:45 AM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

I thought you might change your tune once you found out how serious it was. ;o)

21/11/06 10:21 AM  

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