Spring Time for Jonathan
Hello everyone. I had an enjoyable weekend in Michigan where the annual “Dream League” strat-o-matic baseball draft took place at my brother’s house. The baseball geeks were out in full force and a good time was had by all. I think I made some good additions to my championship team and started the season well by going 5-2 against the top two teams from last season. Nothing else exciting going on around here except that the weather has improved dramatically. You know it’s been cold when 32 feels like spring has arrived. For those interested I got a 96% on my first Spanish exam. I’ll be fluent in no time.
I appreciate all the suggestion I received from my request for business names. Continuum was the easy winner. I don’t know if this had anything to do with the John Mayer album that I did not know existed at the time I put the list together. (Ir)regardless, I decided not to go with that name or any of the others on the list. I came up with a name that has at least a little meaning and story behind it. The name is Waterford Financial Management, LLC. I’ve already filed the paperwork with the state. According to my always reliable source, Wikipedia, it is the oldest city in Ireland. The name comes from a Viking word for “windy fjord” which I thought was somewhat similar to “windy city.” But the primary reason for choosing Waterford is that the actual “Phelan” name comes from Waterford. (I realize the O’Failan (or however it’s spelled) comes from the next county over Kilkenny.) Since I will have several family clients it seemed like a good name. Now I’ll just have to make a trip over there sometime to check it out.
I have a couple recommendations this week. The first one is food. You see as a health conscious, unemployed dude I pretty much stay in to eat except for once or twice a week. Although I don’t mind cooking, I don’t have a large cookbook that I work from and it is time consuming so I frequently eat these little Lean Cuisine dinners with several healthy side dishes. So I thought I would share my favorite dish with everyone. Keep in mind I’m not picky about food and I don’t really care much about it as long as it is healthy. I just eat so I don’t starve. I encourage you to try the Chicken Carbonara. Have it with a salad and side of vegetables and it’s a meal. I think it is better than half the crap I pay $20 for out at a restaurant and I know it is a hell of a lot healthier.
One more recommendation, The Sarah Silverman Show on Comedy Central on Thursday nights. It is completely not PC and way over the top. Last episode was by far the best of the first three. It can be very stupid at times but overall so far it is funnier than Earl and not quite The Office.
Wow this was long. Talk to you later.
So I guess it isn't hot, eh? I think I almost died a couple times this morning ice skating though.
How about recommending The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. Quite possibly the funniest hour of televison, EVER!!! Those two shows could go head-to-head with Seinfeld and tie. That's how good they are. The Office is a great show, too, but it's not on TV four nights a week.
Whoa, T-Bone. Let's not get carried away. I would say Daily and Colbert are better than anything else on right now but it is tough to compare them to sit-coms. Making fun of politicians isn't that difficult. That's why they can do 4 episodes a week. And I don't think I need to recommend them because they've been on a while and everyone knows about them. For the record, I think Colbert is the best of all just because of the interviews.
Have you seen the Lewis Black HBO special from D.C.? Hilarious. How many times can you say the f-word in Kennedy Center? You'll find out...
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