Jonathan's blog

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Now this is some serious debt.

This is a great eye-opening explanation of the level of debt our country has accumulated over the past couple decades. Talk about bubbles. Deleveraging is just a fancy way of saying that we are and need to continue to burst this bubble. The speed with which we do it will determine the length & depth of our recession. If people are paying off debt, they can't be using that money to buy goods. Less goods being bought, less profits, less need for employees, less income, less spending, and the cycle continues. Eventually only the well run, profitable businesses will be left and things will level off and then begin to rise but it will be a long ugly road. Make sure to watch the video and look at the chart at the bottom of the article.^dji,^gspc,tlt,PTTAX,SHY,IEI


Blogger Nathan H said...

I saw that the other day too. Yeah, we are in for some lean times in the immediate future.

3/11/08 9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait! Does this mean I should chuck my budget and throw my savings to the wind?! What kind of patriot would I be if I didn't?! Let's go shopping!

6/11/08 12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't bear to watch it- we want to retire before we're ancient!

7/11/08 9:20 AM  

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