Jonathan's blog

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Yay, yay, it's Turkey Day!!

Well, almost. Another hour and a half. I can really get used to the two days off two days on schedule. Today I worked with a guy who will be getting a Habitat house soon (a "Homeowner"). His name is Soulemayne (or something like that). I think he said he is originally from Morocco but moved to Senagal 16 years ago and moved to the US 3 years ago. He speaks 5 African dialects as well as French. He didn't know any English when he moved here but took classes at the community college and now speaks it better than some of the people who've lived here all their lives. He has a wife and 6 kids ranging from 2 to 12. He says they all speak better english than him. Well except maybe the 2 year old. He's a tall dude too probably 6-4. He is still trying to decide where to pick a lot for his house. He is worried about picking one in a new Habitat and JHA subdivision because it might not be safe. This is a guy who moved from Africa because it was not safe there. I'm surprised that he thinks the potentially bad parts of Jacksonville are comparable to bad parts in Africa. He was a very interesting guy and a hard worker. I've worked with him 3 times now and I wish all homeowners did such a good job.

I can't believe it but there was ice on the windshield of the car this morning. That is ridiculous. I didn't think I would be seeing that shit for at least another two months. I didn't sign up for that. But it was still 60 by mid-afternoon and it's supposed to be 75 on Thanksgiving Day. I played golf on Monday for the first time in at least a month and shocked myself by birdieing (?) number one. I went on to shoot a 4 over 38 while missing 2 3-footers. I was pretty happy about the round.

We had a half day of work today and had a pot luck Thanksgiving lunch at the Habijax offices. There were collard greens and sweet potato pie and some other scary looking southern dishes. I stuck to the ham, turkey, and jello mostly. However, one dude brought in what he called apple cake. Holy balls, it was awesome and I got to bring home the leftovers. Lee is going to be he tomorrow to watch the game and have dinner with some of the Corps. Speakin' of dinner I ate with one of the Corps girls (Amy) tonight at a nice little pizzeria in a trendy part of town across the river. It had Christmas decorations and fountains. Very nice.

For those interested I will be driving home for Christmas on the 23rd (after a pit stop at Niez's in ATL on the 22nd). I plan to be there for about a week and then take a leisure drive back down here through West Virginia and the Carolinas to see the sights on the way. I hope to see a lot of you then. Take care and go easy on the dessert tomorrow.


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