You are so good looking.
Well I had a good week of building last week. All the homeowners that I worked with were actually good workers and we got a lot accomplished. However, one of the houses that I've spent considerable time working on over the past couple weeks was vandalized last week. Apparently some young punks were walking on the train tracks behind the house and decided to start throwing rocks at it. They broke windows, damaged siding, and ruined some of my paint job. I was a little disappointed to hear that. But at the meeting where our boss told us about it, he said that the head of construction for Habijax asked him if one of the subcontractors painted that house because it looked so good. So I felt pretty good about that.
The weather has been outstanding all week, mid-80s and mostly sunny. My friend Lee from Chicago came in yesterday because he starts his special agent training in Brunswick, GA tomorrow. We sweated our asses off at the Jaguars game yesterday but it was worth it since they pulled out the win in the 4th quarter. Then we had dinner at the Landing with a nice view of the river and the South skyline. The shrimp and scallop fettucine was excellent. After that we went to see Jarhead at the local AMC. Interesting movie. I would give it a B+. Seemed to be a fairly believeable portrayal of life for a Marine in Desert Storm. Today we went down to the beach and through the football around a little. I was wading in the water about waste deep and started walking out further when all the sudden I saw this pink/purple jellyfish about the size of a 16" softball. Well needless to say my ass was hauling out of the water when I saw that. I hear that they can do some damage to a person and hurt like the dickens if you get "stung." Now I'm going to be nervous every time I go in there.
There has been some interesting activity on the roommate front lately. First, Kristen has been dating this 44 year-old dude from St. Augustine that she met online for about a month. However, a full-time Habijax plumber who is getting divorced has been flirting with her. So last week he stops by after 10 o'clock on a Thursday night and they go out. The next morning I wake up to SportsCenter on TV in the living room, a pillow and blanket on the couch, and the plumber's work clothes laid out. When Kristen came out of her room she was all embarrassed and the plumber was just laughing and Kristen said something about her looking like a tramp. She later claimed that he just slept on the couch and she stayed in her room with the door locked. I don't know what happened for sure but I don't think she told the old dude boyfriend about the night on the town with the plumber. Ironically, this all happened on the same day that I told Kristen that the graffiti in the porta-john on the jobsite said, "Plumbers have big pipes." Hmmm. We'll see if there are any more developements on this front. I'll keep you posted. This is starting to get like the Real World Jacksonville.
Now for Nick. He officially got accepted to the Army Reserves today. He goes to Basic on January 7 for 9 weeks and then gets 14 weeks of training to be a water filtration specialist. So it looks like we will be losing a roommate. I claims that he is joining because of some essays he wrote and posted on his website after 9/11 that apparently explain his solution to stopping terrorism and now he doesn't want to be a hypocrite for not being part of the solution. Or something like that. It may also have something to do with Verizon stalking him, tapping his phone, and crashing his computer, as he claims. I'm interested in seeing if he makes it in the Army. He is a little different. Make that a lot different. I hope it works out well and helps him overcome his depression.
That's about all for now. Have a great week.
Sounds like you're having a great time down there. Will you be home for Christmas? We miss you.
I'll be there. I'll be leaving here on the 22nd and don't have to be back until the 2nd. See you then.
sounds like fun, i myself just came back from the GA\AU game. I'll tell ya they sure due take the game alot more to heart than us. Theres a chance UofM could come here to the ATL and even play GA, will see. take it easy.
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