Jonathan's blog

Friday, January 13, 2006

The List

Okay, so last year I spent New Year's Eve/Day with my friend from DC. She suggested that instead of making a single New Year's resolution, that you know you wouldn't keep, we should make a list of ten personal goals for the year. I thought it was a really good idea and we did it. Since, I have nothing particularly exciting to write about at work (other than the fact that I put a nail 1/2 inch into my foot last week) I would summarize my results from last year's list and lay out my new one. I don't know how she did on her list but here is mine.

Volunteer once a month...................................Yes, I think I got the equivalent.
Karate class........................................................No
Scuba lessons.....................................................No
Visit old house in Texas....................................No
Go camping cross-country...............................No
Average < 90 for golf........................................Yes, 89.3
No back injuries for year..................................Yes, nothing significant.
Move back to MI for Summer of Phelan........Yes, well sort of, I took August off.
Learn to surf in San Diego................................No
Develop a business plan for PAM....................No, but I did begin building the model to be used.

Well, 4.5 out of 10 is nothing to write home about (but I guess it's worth writing on a blog). I'm going to carry over most of my failures from last year for 2006 and add a couple more. So here is the 2006 list.

1. Scuba lessons.
2. Visit old house in Texas.
3. Go on cross-country camping trip.
4. Learn to surf in San Diego.
5. Take one out of town trip per month while in Florida.
6. Visit New York City.
7. Study Spanish. (doesn't have to be too advanced, just some vocab to start)
8. Don't eat beef (except once at JWP golf outing).
9. Play golf twice per week while in Florida. (range or course)
10. Focus on legs, back, and cardio (not upper body) when working out.

I think my chances are better this year than last given my lack of work responsibilities and the fact that I'm probably not going to start looking for a job until I get back to Chicago in September. I have an additional goal for the year that I will keep private, but I'll still let you know at year-end if I met it.

I wanted to show that although he is now a paper pusher, my brother still knows how to get his hands dirty on the job. He volunteered to work on a house with me while he was here last week. Only took him 4 hours to scrap and sweep a floor. He must think he's in the volunteers' union.

Have a nice weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

T-Bone, it's T-Bone (SF). You should have carried over the karate class from last year. You could've dominated the dojo.

Don't forget the block of cheese for the Summer of Phelan.

17/1/06 1:55 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

I'm going to try to work in some cardio kickboxing and self-defense classes at the Y. I think I can dominate the dojo there 'cuz it will be all chicks.

17/1/06 9:52 PM  

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